Own every aspect of your life!

Sunday, February 28, 2016

12 Things Happy People do Differently!


I hope everyone had a great week. I'm so excited for this week because this is a chance for me to fix my mistakes from last week and start over!

I will be posting on a new day, which are Sundays @ 10a! Why not pre-start your week with positivity?

This week I am posting a positivity info graphic ! I hope one of these attributes could help you create a great week!

[If you are on mobile view, click the picture to see the text!]

I hope you enjoyed this info graphic! I will post next Sunday @ 10a with a WRITTEN article from myself!

Own it! Own every aspect of your life!

Friday, February 19, 2016

5 of my favorite quotes!






I hope you all enjoyed the quotes! Remember to stay strong and positive! I will be posting a article next week! Stay tuned!
Own it! Own every aspect of your life!

Friday, February 12, 2016

Am I making the right choices?

As I promised, this week is a media post. If you have been following my blog, my previous blogs have been about time allocation and keeping positive people around you. This week I wanted to step back and give you all a visual representation, and also a breather. Why did I say breather you might ask?  Well...every time I watch this video I must say I always take a deep inhale and exhale because this video always reassures me . Enough reading! Watch this powerful video below:
Thank you for watching! I will upload next Friday- 4p. If you have any comments, questions, or feedback, please open this screen "web version view" and contact me via "Contact Form" on the right of your screen.
Own it! Own every aspect of your life!

Friday, February 5, 2016

How to surround yourself with positive people and/or things!

       So how do you start? How do you start attracting people that are positive or just like you?

I know this is going to sound super cliché, but it honestly starts with you! You have to change yourself before you start attracting these grand people or things. I have found that life is a parallel. What you see in the mirror is what will reflect in your life. Until I truly understood that, I can say I was just going through the motions of life.

So before I list some tips, I want to leave with one thing; You have to want to create a positive environment for yourself. You do. It's just that simple. If you are half way-ing a habit or goal, you are going to half way get results. So lets get started! Last week the topic was allocating your time to things that matter most like your goals and so on. Now it's time to look internally! What is surrounding you?

1. Look who's around you. You might be a positive person, but the people around you are draining you. AND yes, this does include family members. Write a list of people that make you feel good and bad. Evaluate who holds value in your life.

2. If you find it difficult to cut off particular friends, tell them, "I'm trying to be positive, so I would rather not speak about "whatever." If they respond negatively, and don't take you seriously, they handed you the scissors. Chop Chop.[ Honestly, this would be a good tester to see who is really your friend, and if they really care about you changing your life for the better.]

3. Decrease your allocation of time on things that annoy you. Really! These little things that are  annoying you and not really benefiting you can be the reason you are complaining all the time, or thinking negative. These annoying things can either be people or tangible items. Just remember, what you complain about, you bring about!

So I'm going to leave you with those three steps.. I would say these are the basics! We will go more in-depth soon. Stay tuned!

Next week will be a media post of one of my favorite videos! This video helps me whenever I might be down, tired, or drained. I always refer to this video when I want to put things in perspective. I can't wait for you all to see it!

Post are up every Friday @ 4p.

Own it! Own every aspect of your life.