Own every aspect of your life!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Habits (Part 1)

As I promised an article is here!
I hope all visual learners enjoyed the positive video, quotes, and info graphic.
This week's topic is........HABITS.

Habits are defined as....

  1. 1.
    a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.
    "this can develop into a bad habit"

The example that Webster Dictionary uses is very interesting to me. This "example" associates the word habit with "bad". Why might that be? Because a lot of us, whether we realize it or not, have associated the word habit with "bad" due to some of our "regular tendencies or practices" that we might or might not be aware of.

Below are a list of "good" habits I want to create:

"As I am writing this article it baffles me to be honest. Why am I writing an article about habits? My mind is telling me: Haven't you tried to create habits already and FAILED?

Yes I have! I'll be the first to admit I have failed at MOST of my habits I have tried to develop. It's hard! Actually its not just hard, it's extremely hard. SO instead of listing unrealistic steps that you might have saw elsewhere, I want to provide steps for beginners. When I say beginners, I mean the real beginners. The people that are a mess. The people that are cluttered. When I say cluttered I don't mean tangible items everywhere in a room. I mean mentally cluttered. The people that have no clue what the next 3 hours will look like. The people that have no plans. The people that have been telling themselves "I'm going to vacuum my car" but said that 2 months ago. The people that have been meaning to send "Thank-you" cards, but haven't got to it yet. This is for you! I am one of you. I use to beat myself a lot when I wasn't "perfect" at my new habit. I use to wonder "why is so hard to just do what I am suppose to do?"
          Now I am more happy than ever..."

In the next blog I will tell you and provide steps on how I overcame creating habits that have changed my life for the better! Stay tuned! Next Sunday @ 12p.

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                                            Own it! Own every aspect of your life!


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