Own every aspect of your life!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

About me!

Hi Guys,

Again, I apologize for the delay. If you have been following my blog, you will know I do not have an about me blurb! So my followers probably think I have fell off of planet Earth. Below is a brief "about me-currently"

About me (Quick Version):

I am graduating next month with a degree in Finance. I have been extremely busy trying to finish strong. However, after graduation, you will be receiving many and more frequent updates! I honestly can not wait; I have so much in store.This blog for now includes positive and proactive methods you can use in your daily life; However, soon I will be including financial implications you can use to be financially positive. If you have any suggestions or specific articles, please inform me!

Thank you for you patience!

Check every Friday for brief updates. As I will post mini-updates like the one today on Fridays. Not this Friday, but starting next Friday. (April 15)

Mid-may greatness will begin!

Own it! Own every aspect of you life!

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